Saturday, November 25, 2017

Swing Journal 11.24.17

Some readers requested a DTL view of my latest swing:

I'm still a little steep for my tastes on the downswing, but this is a quality improvement and the release is much more stable.

Normally this clubface would be rotated more closed at this point.

And this was not a toe strike to make the face open up thru impact.

I have started to have some light bulbs turn on with regards to my swing thanks to the lessons from Denny Lucas and Jeff Haas along with the videos from Joe Mayo, Dr. Sasho MacKenzie, Grant Waite and George Gankas.

There are still some things I want to work on.

I tend to bend over and hunch over too much at address.  In order to prevent that I've stood more upright at address.  But that has also caused me to reach for the ball too much.  This is a 5-iron being swung here.  I think the hands should be more under the chin...particularly the right index finger.  I'm reaching a little bit to the ball and that is making it difficult to pivot on the downswing.  Much like Moe Norman who reached for the ball and he dipped and slid on the downswing instead of rotating.  As many know, I'm a huge fan of Moe, but I'm not trying to swing the same mechanics as he had.

We've talked about this numerous times about how the right femur and hip has to more or less 'stay back' and externally rotate while he left femur and left hip will separate and rotate in the other direction.

But prior to that as in the Mayo videos show, you want to lower the pelvis adequately enough before you start rotating. We can lower the pelvis thru left hip flexion in transition.

I will be working on a better sequence to my transition of:

1.  Lowering the pelvis.

2.  Rotating the left hip while the right hip/femur goes into external rotation

I tend to rotate the pelvis before I lower it.  And that causes me to start pushing with the right leg/foot and sliding the pelvis. Therefore, I start to stall out my rotation and the shaft will start to pull down more and thus steepen.

There are some other swing keys I've figured out that I think have been very beneficial to me thus far.  I will see how they progress before I start to discuss them here.


1 comment:

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